Bracket abstraction and the S combinator

When I first studied combinatory logic, I thought the S combinator was very weird. I think I am not alone. But after I learned about bracket abstraction, its meaning became clear. Bracket abstraction is used when compiling lambda calculus into SKI combinator calculus. That is the best context to understand the S combinator.

In this post we will implement a lambda calculus to SKI combinator calculus compiler and get a deep understanding of the S combinator as well as the K, I, B and C combinators. I recommend trying it yourself before continuing. There is a chance you’ll reinvent bracket abstraction.

As a quick reminder, here are the SKI combinators in Haskell:

s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
s x y z = x z (y z)

k :: a -> b -> a
k x y = x

i :: a -> a
i x = x

Okay, let’s get started.

type Var = String

data SKI
  = S
  | K
  | I
  | V Var
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Lam
  = Var Var
  | Lam Var Lam
  | App Lam Lam
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Our goal is to create a function compile :: Lam -> SKI. The cases for variables and applications is simple.

compile :: Lam -> SKI
compile (Var x) = V x
compile (App f a) = A (compile f) (compile a)

What about functions?

compile (Lam x b) = _

The only way to make progress is to compile the body of the function.

compile (Lam x b) = compile b

But that is not the term we want, x may be free in compile b and now we don’t have the lambda to do substitution for us. We need to find a term that when applied to an argument behaves like substitution. We need to abstract the variable x from the term compile b.

compile (Lam x b) = abstract x (compile b)

The simplest case is abstracting a variable from itself. Imagine we are compiling λ x, x. Intuitively it should result in the I combinator.

compile (λ x, x) = abstract x (compile x) = abstract x x = I

What about abstracting from a distinct variable? Note that K y behaves like λ x, y when applied to an argument.

compile (λ x, y) = abstract x (compile y) = abstract x y = K y

Mixing lambda terms and SKI terms, see that λ x, S, λ x, K and λ x, I behave like K S, K K and K I, respectively.

abstract :: Var -> SKI -> SKI
abstract _ S = A K S
abstract _ K = A K K
abstract _ I = A K I
abstract x (V y) =
  if x == y
    then I
    else V y

Now imagine we are compiling λ x, f a, x may be free in either f or a.

abstract x (A f a) =
  let f' = abstract x f
      a' = abstract x a in

We need a term that behaves like λ x, f' x (a' x) when applied to an argument. Wait a minute, the body of that function looks familiar. It is the right hand side of the computation rule for the S combinator!

S f' a' x = f' x (a' x)

That is it! We implemented bracket abstraction. Specifically, we implemented the so-called algorithm A. It just one of many ways of doing bracket abstraction.

Tidying it up.

compile :: Lam -> SKI
compile (Var x) = V x
compile (Lam x b) = abstract x (compile b)
compile (App f a) = A (compile f) (compile a)

abstract :: Var -> SKI -> SKI
abstract x (V y) | x == y = I
abstract x (A f a) = A (A S (abstract x f)) (abstract x a)
abstract _ t = A K t

If we think of the variable we are abstracting over as some sort of environment, then the I combinator uses the environment, the K combinator discards the environment and the S combinator distributes the environment over function application. The S combinator is just a form of generalized function application!

Let’s look at the B and C combinators.

b :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
b x y z = x (y z)

c :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
c x y z = x z y

It is common to think of B as function composition and C as flip. But now we have a new perspective. The B combinator generalizes function application with an environment that only applies to the argument and the C combinator generalizes function application with an environment that only applies to the function.

That is it for now! You can see the S combinator appear in a seemingly completely different context in another post.

If you are interested in reading more, I recommend reading Bracket abstraction algorithms. It is a great tutorial with interactive examples of many bracket abstraction algorithms. I also recommend Oleg Kiselyov’s paper λ to SKI, Semantically. It shows an effective algorithm for compiling lambda calculus to combinator calculus.
